Integrated Diabetes and Endocrine Academy (popularly known as IDEA among doctor’s community)was born in July2011 by the collective dream of an inspired group of fourteen leading Endocrinologists and Diabetologists of Kolkata with a mission of spreading the latest knowledge in the field of Diabetes and Hormone related diseases to the practicing physicians. They also felt duty bound to educate the community with innovative health educational activities.
Academic activity and Research
Their monthly CME’s, well attended by doctors are very thoughtful and rich in content. However, their greatest international academic feast is IDEACON, a conference on Diabetes and Endocrinology of the highest standard, that is attended by faculty of great repute from all over the world (10 to 12 International faculty)including ,of course ,all the renowned national stalwarts(around 100 national faculty) in this field of study , attracting no less than 2500 registration of delegates in recent years. The prestigious ‘Vivekananda Oration.’.. is awarded every year to a veteran Indian scholar in this field with significant original contribution. This miraculous transformation of what once was thought of as emotional aspirations of only fourteen doctors to what is ,now, inspiration to millions of doctors… is a consequence of a perfect blend of head, heart and sweats of these 14,who always remained united under the leadership of their resident, Dr(Prof) Debashish Maji ( past President, Endocrine Society of India) and constant guidance and mentoring of two other senior members,namely Dr Sanjay Chatterjee(Currently,Sheriff of Kolkata) and Dr (Prof)Sudip Chatterjee(Director, Park Clinic,Kolkata).All the Executive members are also keen researchers with numerous national and international publications to their credit. Some of them are incredibly gifted orators, too.
Social Commitment
IDEA is deeply committed to their social responsibility as doctors. Apart from conducting health educational camps in rural areas ,every year ,on WDD(World Diabetes Day)where people of economically weaker section gather in large numbers(several hundreds), IDEA also provides insulin , life long, along with syringes, devices and needles, completely free of cost, to an ever increasing number of Type1 diabetic individuals, who cannot afford this life supporting hormone. IDEA has been providing monthly economic support for the last three years to a Type1 diabetic doctor who is physically disabled from an incurable and progressive neuromuscular disease. A customised tricycle was donated to a physically handicapped diabetic subject who came to visit our Rural Diabetes Camp last year. Recently the executive committee has decided to give full educational grant to a Type1 diabetic child. IDEA has a long term plan to spread their social wings wider and deeper!
IDEA as a teacher
IDEA now has around 120 Scientific Members , who has the free access to the IDEA monthly CME’s and IDEACON with subsidised registration. They are encouraged to take part and interact in all the academic and social activities of IDEA. In the past, IDEA has conducted a year long scientific educational activities with Kolkata Municipalities Corporation doctors to update their knowledge in the field of Diabetes, apart from regular television programme to spread the Diabetes related awareness to the viewers and to break the common myths about diabetes among them. Idea has published books, which has been distributed, free of cost, to the practicing physicians.
IDEACON 2019 ( 5, 6 and 7 July )
IDEACON2019 is coming up with many new ideas…including a session totally dedicated to diabetes educators .Dr Ghanashyam Goyal is the ,Organising secretary and the grandmaster of this Scientific orchestra with great support from Dr Sanjay Chatterjee, Organising Chairperson. The two innovative architects of an unparalleled scientific programme are Dr Kalyan Kumar Gangopadhyay and Dr Anirban Majumder, (Scientific Chairpersons) whose brilliant work will surely elevate this event to yet another new height!